Terms of service

Prohibition of inappropriate content

Users of the QR Kviz app are required to refrain from uploading, sharing or creating content that is vulgar, offensive, racist, sexist, indecent, illegal or otherwise unacceptable. This type of content will be removed immediately and users who violate this condition may be banned.

Commercial use

Full or partial commercial use of the QR Kviz app, including the sale of content or services created or facilitated by the app, is only permitted with the prior written consent of the app operator. Requests for commercial use can be made via the contact form on our website or by emailing the email address provided on the app.

Penalties for breach of terms and conditions

Violation of these Terms may result in immediate termination of access to the Application or other sanctions as determined by applicable law and our discretion.

Changes in conditions

The Operator reserves the right to change or update these Terms at any time. Users will be notified of changes through updates on the app or on our website. By continuing to use the app after such change, users confirm their acceptance of the new terms.